Congduc Pham's web page
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Congduc Pham is professor at the university of Pau in the LIUPPA laboratory. He is member of the CPSC (Cyber-Physical System Computing) team in the LIUPPA laboratory.


CongDuc Pham obtained his Ph.D in Computer Science in July 1997 at the LIP6 Laboratory (Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6), University Pierre and Marie Curie. He also received his Habilitation in 2003 from University Claude Bernard Lyon 1. He received a Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (DEA) in computer systems from the University Pierre et Marie Curie in 1993. He also obtained the Magistère d’Informatique Appliquée de l’Ile de France in 1993. He spent one year at the University of California, Los Angeles as a post-doctoral fellow with professor R. L. Bagrodia.

From 1998 to 2005, he was associate professor at the university of Lyon, member of the INRIA RESO project in the LIP laboratory at the ENS Lyon. He is now at the university of Pau and the LIUPPA laboratory. From Sep. 2006 to July 2009, he was director of the LIUPPA laboratory. He is consulting in the domain of network performance and wireless sensor networks. He is also Scientific Manager of WAZIUP e.V. non-profit organization on IoT technologies.

Short bio

Dr Congduc Pham is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Pau (France). He obtained his Ph.D in Computer Science in 1997 at the LIP6 Laboratory (University Paris 6, Pierre and Marie Curie). His current research interests include wireless sensor networking, Internet of Thing, congestion control/resource allocation and QoS for cloud computing infrastructures. He has published more than 140 papers in international conferences and journals, and gave more than 80 tutorials/keynotes and scientific presentations. In H2020 WAZIUP and H2020 WAZIHUB, he was the scientific expert on Internet-of-Thing and LoRa technology and developed the LoRa IoT generic framework used in various projects. He also produced numerous tutorials and IoT kits to be used in hackathons and training sessions. In H2020 HUBIQUITOUS he is leading the deployment of SolutionLab for providing access to IoT and AI disruptive technologies in Digital Innovation Hubs in Africa. He is also coordinating the PRIMA INTEL-IRRIS project on smart irrigation for smallholders and PRIMA RESILINK to increase smallholder's resilience. Both projects target digital platforms, lowt-cost IoT and AI technologies to address smallholder's concerns.

Research activities

Research interests

-  LoRa technologies for long-range Internet-of-Thing

        - github:
        - An overview of long-range technologies (UPDATED MARCH 2018 .pdf)
        - Check the page below on the image sensor. We have a LoRa version of the image sensor.

-  Multimedia Information on Wireless Sensor Networks and Internet of Thing

        - An image sensor board (Arduino Due/MEGA2560 and Teensy3.2) with a 4DSystem uCamII camera
            - see posters on the image sensor design, on the integration of a criticality-based scheduling and on a multi-camera system.
        - A detailed description of our multimedia test-bed with source code of the software tools used to transmit images/audio
        - Collaborator for the EU FP7 EAR-IT project on acoustic surveillance in Smart Cities
            - see IEEE iThing'2013 paper, TridentCom'2014 paper and this news from EAR-IT.
            - Documents      
                - Network qualification of the SmartSantander test-bed for multimedia streaming on low-power
                - low-resource nodes (WP1.1: report, slides)
                - Minimum requirements for use of acoustic sensors (WP1.2: report, slides)
                - Methodology and tools for the measurement and benchmarking on the use of acoustic sensors (WP1.3: report, slides)
                - Test-bed description (slides)
        - Benchmark you own test-bed for audio traffic (see slides on proposed benchmark procedure)
        - Paper on "Communication performances of IEEE 802.15.4 wireless sensor motes for data-intensive applications"

-  Wireless Video Sensor Networks for Critical-mission Surveillance Applications
        - General poster (.pdf)
        - poster on adaptive scheduling for Video Sensor nodes (.pdf).
        - See this special issue of ERCIM/NEWS on "the Sensor Web".

- Installation tips and sensor hardware tips
        - Getting started with the Digi XBee communication module
        - Communication between various sensor motes: iMote2, TelosB, MicaZ, Waspmote and Arduino
        - Install the Arduino's String library into the Libelium Waspmote IDE
        - See some installation tips on TinyOS for TelosB, MicaZ and Imote2 sensor boards

- A simulation model for video/image sensor
        - OMNET++/Castalia simulation model for video sensor networks. Jump directly to the Castalia model.
           Get the slides presenting the simulation model.
           Part of the GENESIS framework (GENEric SImulation of Surveillance Sensors).
        - A page you may find useful: Understanding Castalia.
        - ROS (Robot Operating System) support in Castalia for realistic robot simulation data in Castalia.
        - simple GPSR implementation for Castalia 3.2.

-  Cloud Computing, Urgent Computing, QoS for workflow infrastructures (see OMNI-DATA project)
-  Grid computing (see PIREGRID project)
-  Transport protocols, congestion control and multicast for wireless sensor networks
-  TCP in highly heterogeneous, dynamic environments, XCP protocol. See the TCP list of related papers.
-  Active reliable multicast protocols, Multicast on computation grids
-  Multicast congestion control
-  Communication system optimizations
-  Parallel simulation


There is a new web site where all my activities on IoT & Sensing Systems are presented, click below.

2022-2026 PRIMA S2 2021 RESILINK. Coordinator. Increasing Resilience of Smallholders with Multi-Platforms Linking Localized Resource Sharing. (

  • Official presentation of the project (.pdf)
  • RESILINK will improve the agri-food value chain by optimizing usage of local resources, generalizing local resource sharing approach and facilitating territorial markets.
  • RESILINK will develop distributed digital resource management platform for real-time exchange of information on territorial resources and supplies & demands; connecting smallholders to new supply, sharing opportunities and distribution channels.
  • RESILINK will use cutting-edge digital technologies to connect fields and farms resources, automatize and add intelligence in the agri-food value chain to provide simple application interfaces adapted to smallholders.

2021-2024 PRIMA S2 2020 INTEL-IRRIS. Coordinator. Intelligent Irrigation System for Low-cost Autonomous Water Control in Small-scale Agriculture. (

2021-2024 H2020 ICT-58 HUBIQUITOUS. Paving the Foundation for Disruptive Technologies in Tomorrow's Digital Innovation Hubs.

2018-2021 H2020 ICT-39 AFRICA WAZIHUB. Accelerating Open IoT and Big Data Innovation in Africa (

2016-2019 H2020 ICT-39 AFRICA WAZIUP. - Open Innovation Platform for IoT-Big Data in Sub-Saharan Africa (

2014 IRD SPIRALE iSENSE-IT. Tools for environmental surveillance with wireless sensor networks. PI: S. Stinckwich, UMMISCO

2014 RNSC CAPFLEXITE (Capteurs, Réel, Complexité). PI: C. Cambier, UPMC (University Paris 6)

2012-2014 EU FP7 EAR-IT project on acoustic surveillance in Smart Cities. PI: P. Malo (UNINOVA) & P. Cousin (EGM)

2010-2012 CDAPP GloSENSES "Enabling Global SEnsor Networks for SurvEillance Systems". Sensors test-bed for environmental surveillance.

2010-2013 Aquitaine Aragon OMNI-DATA project on "Tools and methods for automated interactive manipulation and distributed processing of large amount of data". Partners: University of  Zaragoza (R. Tolosana), 2MoRO Solutions.

2009-2012: PHC Tassili, project on "Cooperative control in wireless sensor networks for surveillance applications" with university of Oran Es-Sénia, Oran, Algeria (Prof. Haffaf Hafid and Dr. Bouabdellah Kechar) and university of Henri Pointcarré, Nancy, France (Moufida Maimour, CRAN).

2009-2012: Interreg IVa FEDER POCTEFA 35/08 , PIREGRID project with Spain (BIFI, ITA, I3A) and France (LIUPPA, IRIT, CCI Pau) on Grid Computing targeted for SMEs. Get the leaflet presenting the project (in French, A4 format).
-  2006-2009: Conseil Régional Aquitaine: Wireless Sensor Network Test Platform
-  2006-2009: ANR JCJC projet TCAP (Transport of Video Flows on Wireless Sensor Networks). Poster A0 format (.pdf), poster on adaptive scheduling for Video Sensor nodes (.pdf)
-  2006-2009: Communauté Agglo Pau projet SiCoP. Poster A0 format (.pdf)
-  2007: ASP64 & Conseil Régional Aquitaine: OBADE project (Optimisation du BAckup à DistancE). Poster A0 format (.pdf)
-  2006-2008: LIUPPA ALCooL
-  1999-2005: INRIA RESO
-  2002-2004: RNRT VTHD++ (see also VTHD). Multicast deliverables/slides.
-  2002-2004: RNTL E-Toile . Multicast deliverables/slides.
-  2001-2003: The European DataGrid project on the reliable multicast tasks.
-  2001-2003: ACI GRID Network Support and Intelligence for the Grid.
-  2000-2002: Active Networks and Experimental Active Testbed sponsored by ANVAR.

Editorial board, guest-editor & past events
(2019-) Scientific Manager in WAZIUP e.V, a non-profit organization based on H2020 EU WAZIUP project (2016-2019) and engaged in IoT capacity building for startups and entrepreneurs via bootcamps, workshops and hackathons to enable them to innovate and build low-cost, end to end IoT products and services based on WAZIUP open source cutting edge ICT solutions.

(2019-) Member of the editorial board of Sage International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN).

LPWAN'2024, Organizer of the LPWAN'2024 scientific days of the CNRS GDR RSD group.

ResCom'2019 summer school, Co-organizer of the ResCom'2019 summer school of the CNRS GDR RSD group.

GECON'2017, International Conference on Economic of Grids, Clouds, Systems and Services. Biarritz, France, September 19-21, 2017. General chair.

Journée "Réseaux de capteurs et applications critiques de surveillance", RESSACS 2016. IRD, Bondy, 9-13 juin 2016.

(2013-) Member of the editorial board of IGI Global International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking (IJBDCN).

(2011-2015) Member of the editorial board of MDPI Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks (JSAN).

EU-SEA workshop and cooperation on Internet of Things and open platforms . Event sponsored by CONNECT2SEA and organized within IEEE RIVF 2015, January 2015, Can Tho, Vietnam.

Journée "Réseaux de capteurs et applications critiques de surveillance", RESSACS 2014. IRD, Bondy, 3-4 juin 2014.

Int. Workshop on Robots and Sensors integration in future rescue INformation system (ROSIN 2013) in conjunction with IROS'13, Tokyo, Big Sight, Japan. November, 2013.

Special issue of International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, ISSN: 1550-1329). Perception, Reaction, and Cognition in Wireless Sensor Networks. CFP: .pdf, .html)

Journée thématique ASR/ResCom "Réseaux de capteurs et applications critiques de surveillance", RESSACS 2013. Brest, 3-4 juin 2013.

Int. Workshop on Robots and Sensors integration in future rescue INformation system (ROSIN 2012)
in conjunction with IROS'12, Villamoura, Portugal. October, 2012.

Journée thématique PHC/ResCom "Réseaux de capteurs et applications critiques de surveillance" (RESSACS 2012)
Jeudi 7 juin 2012, IUT Bayonne, Parc Montaury. Voir l'article dans le Journal du Pays Basque du 6 juin 2012.

Journées Thématiques Internationales sur les Réseaux et Systèmes pour les Applications Critiques de Surveillance (RSACS 2011)
Oran, Algérie, June 22nd-23rd, 2011.

Journée thématique PHC/ResCom "Réseaux de capteurs et applications critiques de surveillance" (RESSACS 2011)
Vendredi 17 juin 2011, IUT Bayonne, Parc Montaury.

Int. Workshop on Robots and Sensors integration in future rescue INformation system (ROSIN 2010)
in conjunction with IROS'10, Tapei, Taiwan. October, 2010.

Journée thématique PHC/ResCom "Réseaux de capteurs et applications critiques de surveillance" (RESSACS 2010)
25 juin 2010, IUT Bayonne, Parc Montaury

Special issue of FGCS on "Grid Infrastructure: Practice and Perspectives", Vol. 21(2), February 2005.

Special issue of Annals of Telecoms on "Transport Protocols for Next Generation Networks", Vol. 61(1-2), Jan-Fev 2006.

Current PhD students

  • Phuong Nguyen. Advising with Adel Noureddine from UPPA.

Former PhD students

  • Nouha Laamech, 2021-2024: Towards a secure data sharing management approach for IoT environment. Advising with Manuel Munier from UPPA.
  • Ousmane Dieng, 2018-2021: Low-Cost Localization Methods with LPWAN IoT to Prevent Cattle Rustling in Africa. Advising with O. Thiaré from University Gaston Berger, Saint-Louis, Senegal. H2020 WAZIUP project.
  • Ehsan Muhammad, Jan 2011-Jul 2015: MAC layer for Wireless Video Sensor Networks for for Mission-Critical Surveillance Systems.
  • Mamour DIOP, Oct 2010-July 2013 : Routing in Wireless Video Sensor Networks for Mission-Critical Surveillance Systems. Advising with O. THIARE from University Gaston Berger, Saint-Louis, Senegal.
  • Christine Louberry, Oct. 2006-Sep. 2010: Kalimucho, Adaptation to context for Quality of Service management. Advising with M. Dalmau and P. Roose
  • Julien Lacoste, Jan 2006-Dec 2008: Appearance preserving by octree-textures mapping. Advising with B. Jobard.
  • Dino Martin Lopez Pacheco, Sep 2004-Jun 2008: Propositions for a robust and interoperable eXplicite Control Protocol (XCP) on heterogeneous high-speed networks. Advising with L. Lefèvre since sep. 2005.
  • Moufida Maimour, Sep. 2000- Nov. 2003: Design, Analysis and Validation of Router-Assisted Reliable Multicast Procotols in Wide Area Networks (slides .pdf, thesis in english .ps.gz)
  • Eric Lemoine, May 2001- July 2004: New functionalities in network interface cards to increase the performance of networking processing in multi-processor machines (slides .pdf, thesis .pdf). Co-directed with Laurent Lefèvre.

Graduate students

  • Axel Cazaux, Feb 2023-July 2023. Design and development of the RESILINK mobile app. RESILINK project. Advising with Manuel Munier.
  • Javier Mantilla, March 2020-July 2020. Edge-AI in IoT gateway.
  • Guillaume Le Goallec, Feb 2019-July 2019. Embedded web app for cattle collar localization. WAZIUP Project.
  • Séverine Sentilles, Feb 2005-June 2005: Software architecture for wireless sensor networks. Advising with N. Belloir
  • Dino Martin Lopez Pacheco, Feb 2004-Jul 2004: TCP in a highly variable bandwidth environment
  • Eric Lemoine, Feb 2001- Jul 2001: Experimenting high-level functionality off-loading in programmable NICs
  • Moufida Maimour, Feb 2000-Jul 2000: Analysis of Reliable Multicast in an Active Networking Environment

Under-graduate students

  • S. Chennouf, B. Genthon (Feb 2024-May 2024): Home Assistant interface for WaziGate IoT gateway. PRIMA INTEL-IRRIS project.
  • N. Marie, R. Granie (Feb 2022-May 2022): Embedded web interface for IoT data visualization. PRIMA INTEL-IRRIS project.
  • A. Bernado, T. Louis (Dec 2013-Feb 2014): Energy consumption of various sensor mote platform
  • N. T. H. Vu, V. M. Nguyen, J. Casas, Univ Pau (Feb-May 2011): Multihop video transmission with Intel iMote2 and IBM400 camera board (report in french, web page with instruction, source code)
  • L. Dos Santos et C. Lalanne, Univ Pau (Feb-May 2011): MAC layer model and simulation with Castalia v3 (report in french, source code, not totally finished to be inserted into the Castalia directory tree).
  • E. Alvarez and Y. Jimenez, Univ. Pau (Feb-May 2010): Video surveillance with iMote2 sensors (report in french, web page with instructions).
  • F. Delgado and C. Laborde, Univ. Pau (Feb-May 2010): Blip (ipv6) on MicaZ (report in french, web page in french).
  • B. Marquine and S. Lagoinha, Univ. Pau (Feb-May 2010): Interoperability tests with MicaZ and imote2.
  • J. Tartas and  G. Beloscar, Univ. Pau (Feb-May 2008): A web-based access throught the Internet to wireless sensor data.
  • B. Metthey and S. ReyCoyrehourcq, Univ. Pau, (Feb-Jun 2006): A wireless sensor network simulator with JavaBeans.
  • S. Dattrino, Univ. Lyon 1, (Dec 2003-Mar 2004): Integration of FEC codes in a NACK-based active multicast protocol
  • X. Prost, Univ. Lyon 1, (Dec 2002-Mar 2003): Performance evaluation of TRAM/JRMS.
  • R. Asthana, Banaras Hindu Univ., (Mai 2002-June 2002): active reliable multicast with JRMS.
  • J. Mazuy, Univ. Lyon 1, (Dec 2001-Mar 2002): active services for reliable multicast.
  • S. Oranger, Univ. Lyon 1, (Dec 1999-Fev 2000): Tools for Grid computing (Outils pour le Grid Computing),  with L. Lefèvre
  • F. Goffinet, Univ. Lyon 1, (Dec 1999-Fev 2000): Cluster management (Gestion de cluster), with L. Lefèvre
  • L. Cavallin, ENS Lyon, (2000): Real-Time Display of Parallel Simulation Results
  • C. Albrecht, Univ. Luebeck, (1999): Message Aggregation on High Performance Clusters
  • H. Brunst, Univ. Aachen, (1997); Parallel Simulation of Routing Algorithms
  • J. Essmeyer, Univ. Aachen, (1996): A Parallel Simulator Kernel

Some ranking have been obtained from RankMe:

Journals (extract from all publications): 10 Q1 and 4 Q2, other are Q3 or unranked

Book's chapter

All publications (including journals):


  • H. Lionbui, C. Pham, F. Elame, S. El Gamal, E. El Maadoudi, V. Henry, T. Benabdelouahab, “The challenges and opportunities of adopting digital platforms for localized resources sharing in agriculture: issues, perceptions, and influencial factors”, to be published in International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics (IJSAMI), InderScience Publishing. Q3.
  • C. Pham, T. Mansour, H. Lionboui, Z. Fawzy, S. Shairra, N. Awad, S. El-Gamal, “Smallholder’s readiness to adopt platforms linking local resource sharing in Egypt“, Journal of Ecohunamisn, vol. 3, no. 8, 2024. Creative Publishing House.

  • G. Gaillard and C. Pham, "CANL LoRa: Collision Avoidance by Neighbor Listening for Dense LoRa Networks", Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'23), Tunis, Tunisia, 9-12 July, 2023. Ranked C.
  • Nouha Laamech, Manuel Munier, Congduc Pham. "Translating Usage Control Policies to Semantic Rules: A Model using OrBAC and SWRL", 27th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES'2023), Athens, Greece, September 6-8, 2023. Ranked B.


  • Laamech, N., Munier, M., Pham, C., "Towards a data provenance model for private data sharing management in IoT", Second International Workshop on Privacy and Security in Enterprise Modeling (PriSEM 2021), Gold Coast, Australia. Ranked B.
  • Laamech, N., Munier, M., Pham, C., "Enhanced IoT Data Sharing Management using semantic rule manager and Data Provenance", In workshop on Data Management in Connected Environments for Sustainable development and Environmental protection (DMCESE 2021), Panama City, Panama.
  • Congduc Pham and Ehsan Muhammad, "Dense Deployment of LoRa Networks: Expectations and Limits of Channel Activity Detection and Capture Effect for Radio Channel Access",  Sensors 2021, 21(3), 825; Q1.

  • C. Dupont, T. Bures, M. Sheikhalishahi, C. Pham, A. Rahim "Low-cost IoT, Big Data, and Cloud Platform for Developing Countries", Proceedings of the GECON17, Biarritz, France, September 19-21, 2017.
  • C. Pham, F. Ferrero, M. Diop, L. Lizzi, O. Dieng, O. Thiaré, "Low-cost Antenna Technology for LPWAN IoT in Rural Applications", Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces (IWASI'17), Vieste, Italy, June 15-16, 2017. Slides .pdf.
  • P. Cousin, C. Dupont, S. Fatnassi, C. Pham, O. Thiaré, A. Wussah, S. Koffi, "IoT, an affordable technology to empower African addressing needs in Africa". Proceedings of the IST-Africa 2017 international conference. Windhoek, Namibia, 31 May - 2 June, 2017. Slides. pdf.
  • L.Derdouri, C. Pham, "Geographic Multicast Routing Based Sleep Scheduling". Proceedings of the International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (IEEE ISNCC'2017). Marrakech, Morocco, 16-18 May, 2017. Ranked C.
  • O. Dieng, B. Diop, O. Thiaré, C. Pham, "A Study on IoT Solutions for Preventing Cattle Rustling in African Context". Proceeding of the second International Conference on Internet of Things Data, and Cloud Computing (ICC'17), Cambridge , United Kingdom, 22-23 March 2017.
  • L. Derdouri, C. Pham, M. Benmohammed, "Analysis of Hybrid Router-Assisted Reliable Multicast Protocols in Lossy Networks", International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT), Vol. 14(1), Jan. 2017. Journal is Indexed by Thomson Reuters. ISSN:1683-3198.








2004 2003
Talks and tutorials
  •  videoSense: a simulation model of image sensors under OMNET++/Castalia. Talk at RESSACS 2012, Anglet, France. June 7th, 2012.

  • A serie of 3 invited seminars on Quality of Service: (i) An overview of Quality of Service in Networking, (ii) Fundamentals of Quality of Service, (iii) DiffServ & MLPS. Invited talks at University Badji Mokhtar, Annaba, Algeria, May 28-30, 2012.

  • Wireless Sensor Networks for search&rescue mission-critical applications: from low-level challenges to multi-sensors/multi-robots perspectives (.pdf). Seminar at the University of Cardiff, Wales, UK. May 9th, 2012.

  • Visual Wireless Sensor Networks for Mission-Critical Surveillance Application: Perspectives with Mobile Robots Integration (.pdf). Seminar at the LORIA laboratory, Nancy, France. March 9th, 2012.

  • Visual Wireless Sensor Networks for Mission-Critical Surveillance Application(.pdf). Seminar at the CRAN laboratory, Nancy, France. March 8th, 2012.

  • Wireless Sensor Networks and their Application to Surveillance: towards Ambient and Cooperative Intelligence (.pdf). Seminar at the LANI/UMMISCO, Gaston Berger University, Saint-Louis, Senegal. February 15th, 2012.

  • Wireless Sensor Networks and their Applications (.pdf). Seminar at the Matsuno's laboratory on Rescue Robotics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. November 9th, 2011.

  • From Global Sensing in a Ubiquitous Digital Society to QoS for Cloud Computing Infrastructures(.pdf). Seminar at the Bach Khoa University, HCMC, Vietnam. Grid and High Performance Computing Group at Faculty of CSE - HCMUT. July 27th, 2011. Funded with the HEP2 program.

  • Research activities on sensor networks (.pdf). Seminar between LIUPPA and MIRA, Anglet, France. June 27th, 2011.

  • Dynamic management of criticality in surveillance application with wireless sensor networks (.pdf). Keynote at RSACS 2011, Oran, Algeria. June 22rd, 2011.

  • QoS for Cloud Computing: enforcing QoS with the Token Bucket envelope process (.pdf). PIREGRID meeting on Cloud Computing, University of Pau, Pau, France. May 10th, 2011. See all the slides of this event here.
  • Deployment of mission-critical surveillance applications on wireless sensor networks (updated version .pdf, 15MB). Seminar at the MSI/IRD/UMI UMISCO, Hanoi, Vietnam. Oct. 27th, 2010.
  • Deployment of mission-critical surveillance applications on wireless sensor networks (updated version .pdf, 35MB). Seminar at the University Carlos III, Madrid, Spain. NetCom and IMDEA groups, May 19th, 2010.
  • Deployment of mission-critical surveillance applications on wireless sensor networks (.pdf, 37MB). Seminar at the University of  Franche-Comté, IUT Belfort, LIFC laboratory, Belfort, France. March 12th, 2010.
  • Deployment of video surveillance applications on wireless sensor networks: challenges & research directions (.pdf, 35MB). Seminar at the University of Oran Es-Sénia, Oran, Algeria. November 25th, 2009.

  • Challenges & Design Space in Wireless Video Sensor Networks (.pdf, 35MB). Seminar at the Bach Khoa University, HCMC, Vietnam. March 17th, 2009.

  • Challenges & Design Space in Wireless Video Sensor Networks (.pdf, 37MB). Seminar at the iNEXT Centre for Innovation, UTS, Sydney, Australia. January 22nd, 2009.

  • Transport protocols and congestion control in Wireless Sensor Networks (.pdf). Invited presentation at Rescom workshop on "IP and Sensor Networks", ENS Lyon, Lyon, France. Dec. 10th, 2008..

  • The dark side of TCP: understanding TCP on very high-speed networks (.pdf). Invited tutorial at ACOMP'08, Bach Khoa University, HCMC, Vietnam..

  • Challenges & Design Space in Wireless Video Sensor Networks (.pdf, 51MB). Seminar at the LIUPPA laboratory, Pau, France. January 31st, 2008.

  • Understanding the dark side of TCP, and moving forwards (.pdf). Invited tutorial at DFMA'07, ENST, Paris, France. 5th July 2007.

  • Transport protocols for WSN networks (.ppt). Work in progress, TCAP project. April 13th, 2007.

  • Advanced Networking: New Trends in Internet Technologies (Internet: past, present, future, Basics of QoS, DiffServ & MPLS, Beyonds TCP). Advanced lecture, University Bach Khoa, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 19-22 March 2007.

  • Communication networks in the next decade : integrating very high-speed networks and ubiquitous communicating devices (.pdf). Keynote talk at ACOMP 2007, University Bach Khoa, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. March 15th, 2007.

  • High-speed networking: Enabling Grids and high performance computing(Intro 20.4MB, Part 1 26.4MB, Part 2 52.9MB). Tutorial at IEEE RIVF 2007, HUT, Hanoi, Vietnam. March 5th, 2007. Subset and slightly modified version of the HOTI 2006 Tutorial.

  • Sustainable development and Internet : same battle (.pdf)? LIUPPA Seminar, Pau, France. February 15th, 2007.

  • New Internet and Networking Technologies for Grids and High-Performance Computing (Intro 12.5MB, Part 1 70MB, Part 2 2.8MB, Part 3 2.7MB), Tutorial at IEEE HOT Interconnects 2006, Stanford, USA, August 25th, 2006. Updated and extended version of the HiPC 2004 tutorial.

  • How the Internet will look like in a near future (.ppt 11MB, .pdf 42MB), seminar at the LIUPPA laboratory, Pau, France. January 26th, 2006.

  • Multicast technology: past, present, future (part 1, part 2, part 3), Tutorial at IEEE DFMA 2005, Besançon, France. February 6th 2005.

  • New Internet and Networking Technologies and their Applications to Grids and High-Performance Computing (Part 1 22MB, Part 2 3.5MB).Tutorial at IEEE HiPC 2004, Bangalore, India. December 22nd, 2004.

  • Advanced Networking: New Trends in Internet Technologies (WAN review, New Face of the Internet, QoS, DiffServ, MPLS, TCP on Next Generation Networks). Advanced lecture, University Bach Khoa, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. November 2004.

  • New Internet and Networking Technologies and their Application to Computational Science. Invited talk, COSCI 2004, University Bach Khoa, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. March 3-5, 2004.

  • Simulation parallèle sur grappes, Multicast fiable actif, Optimisations de sous-systèmes de communication: quelques contributions à la résistance au facteur d'échelle. Soutenance d'HDR. 16 décembre 2003, ENS Lyon, Lyon, France. Slides .ppt

  • Multicast technology: what it is, what have been done, what's next? Seminar at the LIP laboratory, Lyon, France. June 26th, 2003. Slides .ppt

  • State-of-the-art in group communications: from protocols to applications. With V. Roca. Tutorial at IEEE ICT'2003, Papeete, Tahiti. February 23rd, 2003. Slides .pdf

  • Reliable Multicast: from End-to-End Solutions to Active Solutions. DEA DIF lecture, ENS-Lyon, Lyon, France. November 13th, 2002. Slides .ppt

  • Active Reliable Multicast: How it works, how it can be used on computational grids. Invited talk at SUN Labs Europe, Grenoble, France. February 14th, 2002. Slides .ppt

  • Active Reliable Multicast: Challenges for the Next Internet. DEA DIF lecture, ENS-Lyon, Lyon, France. December 5th, 2001.Slides ARM_tutorial.ppt and Slides drarm_mm.ppt

  • Communication networks, active networking and reliable multicast. Seminar at the LIP laboratory, Lyon, France. June 12th, 2001. Slides .ppt

  • Active Networks and Applications. Invited talk at the MIM2 seminar, Venosc, France. December 6th, 2000. Slides .ppt

  • Parallel Simulation: Past, Present and Future. Summer School RHDM 2000, Marrakech, Morroco. Slides .ppt

  • Research perspectives on HLA. Talk at ONERA/CERT, Toulouse, France.

  • Parallel Simulation: Algorithms and Tools. Invited talk at the University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy. Slides.ppt

  • Parallel Simulation on High Performance Clusters. Invited talk at the University of Linz, Linz, Austria. Slides.ppt

  • HLA in the PARSEC Discrete Event Simulation Language. Talk at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA. 1998 PARSEC Workshop. Slides .ppt