
This online tutorial on Arduino, Sensors, IoT and LoRa technologies has been developed by University of Pau, France, in the context of the WAZIUP and WAZIHUB projects funded by the European Union in the H2020 research program. The main objective of this online tutorial was to provide comprehensive and guided training materials to be used in training sessions, hackathons, bootcamps, entrepreneur’s days,… that were organized by WAZIUP/WAZIHUB across Africa. The main initial contributors were Dr. Mamour Diop, Dr. Muhammad Ehsan and Pr. Congduc Pham. Now, it is still used as an online course for introducing IoT technologies and as a teaching platform for hands-on Arduino, microcontroller and sensor programming. Our main current research focus is on LoRa networks and IoT but this tutorial first start with basic of Arduino and sensor programming to understand sensing systems that are the foundation of so-called Internet-of-Things (IoT) concepts. Then in a second step, we will introduce some IoT protocols and technologies with a focus on LoRa radio technologies to show how to build low-cost, long-range and energy-efficient IoT devices.

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2018 - Congduc Pham

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