A low-power, low-cost image sensor board

runs on Arduino Due/MEGA and Teensy3.2 with a uCamII camera
support for IEEE 802.15.4 and long-range LoRaTM radios

C. Pham, LIUPPA laboratory, University of Pau, France.  http://cpham.perso.univ-pau.fr/

last update: July 20th, 2017.


There are a number of image sensor boards available or proposed by the very active research community on image and visual sensors: Cyclops, MeshEyes, Citric, WiCa, SeedEyes, Panoptes, CMUcam3&FireFly, CMUcam4, CMUcam5/PIXY, iMote2/IMB400, ArduCam, ... All these platforms and/or products are very good and our motivations in building our own image sensor platform for research on image sensor surveillance applications are:

  1. have an off-the-shelf solution so that anybody can reproduce the hardware and software
    1. use an Arduino-based solution for maximum flexibility and simplicity in programming and design
    2. use a simple, affordable external camera to get RAW image data, no JPEG
    3. use short range (802.15.4) or long-range (LoRa) radios
  2. apply a fast and efficient compression scheme with the host microcontroller to produce robust and very small image data suitable for large scale surveillance or search&rescue/situation awareness applications
  3. simple enough to demonstrate our criticality-based image sensor scheduling propositions
    1. see our paper : C. Pham, A. Makhoul, R. Saadi, "Risk-based Adaptive Scheduling in Randomly Deployed Video Sensor Networks for Critical Surveillance Applications", Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), Elsevier, 34(2), 2011, pp. 783-795
  4. easy integration with our test-bed for studying data-intensive transmission with low-resource mote platforms (audio and image)
    1. see our paper: C. Pham, "Communication performances of IEEE 802.15.4 wireless sensor motes for data-intensive applications: a comparison of WaspMote, Arduino MEGA, TelosB, MicaZ and iMote2 for image surveillance", Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), Elsevier, Vol. 46, Nov. 2014
  5. fully similar/compatible with our simulation environment based on OMNET++/Castalia for video/image sensor networks.

Architecture and components

We tested with Arduino Due, Arduino MEGA2560 and Teensy3.2.  The Arduino Due board (left) and the Teensy3.2 (left) have enough SRAM memory (96kB and 64kB respectively) to store an 128x128 8-bit/pixel RAW image (16384 bytes). On the MEGA2560, which has only 8KB of SRAM memory, we store the captured image on an SD card (see middle figure below for an exemple) and then perform the encoding process by incrementally reading small portions of the image file. The MEGA, or other small-memory platforms, are only for validation, they can be quite unstable. The Due and the Teensy are much more reliable.

For the camera, we use the uCamII from 4D systems. You can download the reference manual from 4D system web site. The uCamII can deliver 128x128 raw image data. JPEG compression can be realized by the embedded micro-controller but this feature is not used as JPEG compression is not suitable at all for lossy environments. We instead apply a fast and efficient compression scheme with the host microcontroller to produce robust and very small image data.

The encoding scheme is the one described in our test-bed pages and it has been ported to the Arduino Due (and later tested on the Teensy3.2) with very little modifications. On the MEGA2560, the packetization procedure has been modified by V. Lecuire to produce packets on-the-fly, during the encoding process. With the SD card to store the captured image and the modified packetization process, the entire Arduino sketch fits in the 8KB SRAM memory of the MEGA2560. The final result is shown below for the Arduino Due (left) and the MEGA (right) where we use the Wireless SD Shield from Arduino to have the embedded SD card slot.


Here is a detailed view of the connections (the image takes the Arduino Due but the connection layout is exactely the same for the MEGA).

  1. the uCam is connected to UART1 (Serial1 on Arduino-compatible boards) and we use 115200 baud rate. We improved the Arduino uCamII initial code from 9circuit to make it more robust and corrected some bugs. Important: you may have to increase the size of the serial buffer on the Due. We increased the serial buffer size to 512 for instance, see RingBuffer.h.

  2. radio module:
    1. using LoRa. This is the radio that we are using now. The radio module is connected using the SPI pins:
      1. Due and MEGA: MOSI, MISO, CLK can be taken from the ICSP header. SS is connected to pin 2.
      2. Teensy3.2: MOSI is pin 11, MISO is pin 12, CLK is pin 13 and SS is pin 10.
      3. You have to get the enhanced SX1272 library that we developped. See our LoRa-related development web page.
    2. using IEEE 802.15.4. This was the radio we used when we developped the first version. Not very maintained anymore. The XBee is connected to UART3 (Serial3 on Arduino) and the arduino-xbee communication library is used. We configured the XBee to work at 125000 baud because 115200 is not reliable. In order to do so, you need to set the Mac Mode to 0 and then use remote AT command (see our XBeeSendCmd tool in the test-bed pages) to set the baud rate to 0x01E848 (125000). The control program would set at run-time the Mac Mode to be 2 for 802.15.4 interoperability, but not in a definitive way so when the XBee is reinitialized it will still be in Mac Mode 0 so that you still have control on it remotely with remote AT command.

Special case for the Teensy3.2

The Teensy3.2 is a nice board in a smaller format that the Arduino Due. The LoRa module is connected with SPI pins (read above) and the uCam is connected to UART1 (RX1:pin0, TX1:pin1)


The uCam needs between 4.5v and 9v to be powered. On the Due or MEGA, we use the on-board 5v pin. On the Teensy, there is no such 5v pin (the board runs at 3.3v) but when USB power is used the VUSB pin can be used to get the 5v from the USB (see below the Teensy back pinout). So when you use USB power (either to get Serial Monitor for debugging or because you just use the USB as a source of power) the uCam Vcc 5v can be connected to the VUSB pin.


One advantage of the Teensy is to run easily with a 4AA-battery pack (provinding 6v) as shown in the pictures above. In this case, the battery pack is connected to the Teensy Vin pin which accepts unregulated voltage between 3.6v to 6v. Since the VUSB pin will not be powered when using the external battery, we actually have a second VCC wire from the battery pack to connect it to the uCam Vcc 5v as shown below: one battery Vcc is connected to Vin and the other one (in the front) to the uCam Vcc.


Remote commands

The image sensor accepts the following ASCII commands sent wirelessly. These commands must be prefixed by "/@" and separated by "#" (for instance "/@T130#")

  1. "T130#" immediately captures, encodes and transmits with inter pkt time of 130ms
  2. "F30000#" sets inter-snapshot time to 30000ms, i.e. 30s, fps is then 1/30
  3. "S0#"/"S1#" starts a snapshot, make the comparison with the reference image. If S1, on intrusion detection, the image will be transmitted
  4. "I#" makes a snapshot and define a new reference image
  5. "Z40#" sets the MSS size to 40 bytes for the encoding and packetization process, default is 90
  6. "Q40#" sets the quality factor to 40, default is 50
  7. "D0013A2004086D828#" sets the destination mac addr, use D000000000000FFFF for broadcast again, can use 16-bit addresses
  8. "Y0#"/"Y1#" disables/enables(set) the 16-bit XBee node's short address
  9. "L0#" sets flow id (start at 0x50 for image mode which is the only mode of our image sensor, as opposed to our generic sender solution, see test-bed pages)
  10. "R0#"/"R1#" disables/enables(set) the MAC layer ack mechanism (XBee MAC mode 1/XBee MAC mode 2)

For instance, you can send "/@Z90#Q60#T30#" to set the MSS to 90 bytes, the quality factor to 60 and start the capture, encoding and transmission of the image with an inter-packet time of 30ms. The quality factor can be set differently for each image. Here are some image samples taken with our image sensor to show the impact of the quality factor on the image size and visual quality.

[obsolete now, we use instead our LoRa gateway, see the LoRa image section] The 1-hop scenario is depicted below where we use an XBee gateway at the receiving side (connected to a Linux machine) configured at 115200 bauds. We have to first tell the image sensor the destination address. You have to start the receiver side first.

    > python SerialToStdout.py /dev/ttyUSB0 | ./display_image -vflip -timer 4 -framing 128x128-test.bmp
    set to framing mode
    Wait for image, original BMP file is
128x128-test.bmp, QualityFactor is 50
    Display timer is 4s
    Creating file tmp_1-
128x128-test.bmp.Q20.dat for storing the received image data file
    Wait for image

You have to give a reference .BMP file for the color map information. We have a 128x128 test image with the correct gray scale color map. Then issue the following commands with another XBee gateway and the XBeeSendCmd for instance:

    > XBeeSendCmd -addr 0013A200408BC81B "/@D0013A20040762191#"   
    > XBeeSendCmd -addr
0013A200408BC81B "/@Z90#Q50#T30#"

Image encoding

The encoding and packetization process at the sender side produces variable packet size but the maximum size is defined by the MSS which is set with the "Z90" command (MSS=90 bytes). The quality factor on the scenario is 50. Here is an example of the produced encoded data in packets (shown with different colors) that will be transmitted wirelessly.

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 

The first 5 bytes are the framing bytes that are normally defined as follows: the first 2 bytes are 0xFF 0x50->0x54 for image packets. Then comes a sequence number, the quality factor (50 is 0x32) and the packet size. The next 2 bytes following the framing bytes are the offset of the data in the image. This is how the encoder can produce very robust and out-of-order reception possibility. Then come the encoded data.

The display_image program run at the receiver size receives and writes the encoded image in a file. This file will then be decoded into a BMP file that will be displayed. See more explanations in our test-bed pages.

Therefore the encoded file has the following content where you can see the framing bytes removed.

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 

During operation, the image sensor uses the 2 leds to indicate some status/errors as the image sensor can run on battery without being connected to a computer. In your first test, connect the Arduino Due to the computer and use the serial monitor

Here are some timing results that we got in our first tests (see pictures above) of the image sensor. We set the MSS to 90 bytes and varied the quality factor. If you run your own tests, you may have slightly different results as the content of the image would certainly be different. The time to read data from uCam is quite constant, 1.512s. The "global encode time" is the time to globally encode the picture without any transmission. The "global encode + transmit time" is the time to performe the encode and transmission of each packet on-the-fly. We can derive the ""global transmit time" by taking the difference. The mean packet transmission time was found to be around 8ms. Then, the global encoding process can be split into a pure encoding and a packetization process. As we can see, the pure encoding time is quite constant here but may vary depending on the content of the picture. We can however notice that apart from the case with Q=100, the encoding tile is quite constant for the same picture. Then the packetization time is also quite constant per packet: about 2 to 3ms. We took 3ms in the table to compute the "encode + packetization time (th)". The difference between "encode + packetization time (th)" and "global encode time" represents the additional processing & control code to make all these steps working on the Arduino. The last column compute the "encode + transmit time / pkt" as the "global encode + transmit time" divided by the number of packets. As there is a constant encoding time of about 500ms, then it is clear that when you have few packets because the quality factor is small, the cost per packet is higher. As we can see, the main advantage of a small quality factor is on the image size (in terms of bandwidth consumption) and not really on the efficacy of the encoding time nor on a much smaller latency.

The graph below summarizes these results.

Multi-hop image transmission

Multi-hop image transmission scenario can easily be set up using our relay nodes (see the relay node web page) and follows the example described in our test-bed pages.


  1.  Arduino program to compile and upload on the Arduino Due. Get the .zip file to unpack in your sketch folder.
  2. The improved uCam library and the encoding header files to unpack in your sketch/libraries folder
  3. The 128x128 BMP test file for color map information
  4. For all the other tools (display_image, SerialToStdout.py, XBeeSendCmd, ...) see our test-bed pages.

Simple intrusion detection application

We implemented an intrusion detection mechanism based on "simple-differencing" of pixel: each pixel of the image from the uCam is compared to the corresponding pixel of a reference image, taken previously at startup of the image sensor and stored in memory (for the Due and Teensy) or in a file on the SD card (for the MEGA2560). When the difference between two pixels, in absolute value, is greater than PIX_THRES we increase the number of different pixels, N_DIFF. When all the pixels have been compared, if N_DIFF is greater than NB_PIX_THRES we can assume an intrusion. However, in order to take into account slight modifications in luminosity due to the camera, when N_DIFF is greater than NB_PIX_THRES we additionally compute the mean luminosity difference between the captured image and the reference image, noted LUM_DIFF. Then we re-compute N_DIFF but using PIX_THRES+LUM_DIFF as the new threshold. If N_DIFF is still greater than NB_PIX\_THRES we conclude for an intrusion and trigger the transmission of the image. Additionally, if no intrusion occurs during 5 minutes, the image sensor takes a new reference image to take into account light condition changes.

In order to enable this behavior you have to compile the sketch with the following define statements uncommented:


Here is a simple output of the applications taken from the log from the serial monitor. Text starting with # and highlighted in red are inserted comments to explain the various steps of the application.

Init uCam test.
Init XBee 802.15.4 on UART2
Set MM mode to 2
MAC mode is now: 2
-mac:0013A200408BC81B WAITING for command from 802.15.4 interface. XBee mac mode 2
Wait for command @D0013A20040762053#T60# to capture and send image with an inter-pkt time of 60ms to 0013A20040762053
Current destination: 0013A20040762191
Init UART1 for uCam board

#try to sync camera
Attempt sync 0
Wait Ack
Camera has Acked...
Waiting for SYNC...
Receiving data. Testing to see if it is SYNC...
Camera has SYNCED...
Sending ACK for sync
Now we can take images!
Ready to encode picture data

#get first image to serve as reference image
Initial is being sent
Wait Ack
INITIAL has been acked...
Snapshot is being sent
Wait Ack
SNAPSHOT has been acked...
Get picture is being sent
Wait Ack
GET PICTURE has been acked...
Get picture DATA
Size of the image = 16384
Time for get snapshop : 3
Time for get picture : 115
Waiting for image raw data

Total bytes read: 16384
Time to read data from uCAM: 1512
Sending ACK for end of data picture
Finish getting picture data
#we encode but no transmission
Encoding picture data, Quality Factor is : 50
MSS for packetization is : 64
Time to encode : 682
Compression rate (bpp) : 1.30
Packets : 50 32
Q : 50 32
H : 128 80
V : 128 80
Real encoded image file size : 2664
#at this point we finished the initialization and we have a reference image in memory

#periodic sync of the camera, once every 12s
Attempt sync 0

Attempt sync 1
Wait Ack
Camera has Acked...
Waiting for SYNC...
Receiving data. Testing to see if it is SYNC...
Camera has SYNCED...
Sending ACK for sync
Now we can take images!

#periodic intrusion detection, once every 30s
Immediate compare picture in 500ms
Getting new picture
Initial is being sent
Wait Ack
INITIAL has been acked...
Snapshot is being sent
Wait Ack
SNAPSHOT has been acked...
Get picture is being sent
Wait Ack
GET PICTURE has been acked...
Get picture DATA

Size of the image = 16384
Time for get snapshop : 3
Time for get picture : 124
Waiting for image raw data (compare)

Total bytes compared: 16384
Time to read and process from uCAM: 1511
Sending ACK for end of data picture
Finish getting picture data

nb diff. pixel : 231
Maybe NO intrusion


#now we turn off the light or put something in the Field of View of the camera, or simple move the image sensor a bit

#periodic intrusion detection, once every 30s
Immediate compare picture in 500ms
Getting new picture
Initial is being sent
Wait Ack
INITIAL has been acked...
Snapshot is being sent
Wait Ack
SNAPSHOT has been acked...
Get picture is being sent
Wait Ack
GET PICTURE has been acked...
Get picture DATA

Size of the image = 16384
Time for get snapshop : 3
Time for get picture : 124
Waiting for image raw data (process)

Total bytes compared: 16384
Time to read and process from uCAM: 1511
Sending ACK for end of data picture
Finish getting picture data

nb diff. pixel : 2867
POTENTIAL intrusion

#maybe an intrusion so encode the image and send it
Encoding picture data, Quality Factor is : 50
MSS for packetization is : 64
Time to encode : 2098
Compression rate (bpp) : 1.39
Packets : 53 35
Q : 50 32
H : 128 80
V : 128 80
Real encoded image file size : 2837
#remember that now the new image is the reference image

#periodic updating the reference image, once every 5min
Getting new picture
Initial is being sent
Wait Ack
INITIAL has been acked...
Snapshot is being sent
Wait Ack
SNAPSHOT has been acked...
Get picture is being sent
Wait Ack
GET PICTURE has been acked...
Get picture DATA

Size of the image = 16384
Time for get snapshop : 3
Time for get picture : 109
Waiting for image raw data

Total bytes read: 16384
Time to read data from uCAM: 1512
Sending ACK for end of data picture
Finish getting picture data
#we encode but no transmission
Encoding picture data, Quality Factor is : 50
MSS for packetization is : 64
Time to encode : 680
Compression rate (bpp) : 1.39
Packets : 54 36
Q : 50 32
H : 128 80
V : 128 80
Real encoded image file size : 2851


On intrusion detection, the image is sent to the sink. The sink will save the image, display it for 3s and convert it into a BMP file that you can view later on. Use Linux date on the file to know the timestamp. Start the sink with the following command, note the usage of the -nokey option to indicate an automatic behavior (wait 3s instead of a key press). The -timer option indicating 4s is the timer for displaying the image once the first packet is received. The time during which the image is displayed using -nokey is 3s and is hard-coded in the program.

    > python SerialToStdout.py /dev/ttyUSB0 | ./display_image -nokey -vflip -timer 4 -framing 128x128-test.bmp

Here is an example of intrusion detection where the intruder (myself) is 25m away from the image sensor, see right picture.
For this intrusion test, we set PIX_THRES to 35 and NB_PIX_THRES to 300. In doing so, we were able to systematically detect a single person intrusion at 25m without any false alert.

The time to read the image data and make the intrusion detection is about 1512ms. We have to add about 200ms for controlling the snapshot process so in total we could consider that the image sensor can make the intrusion detection process once every 1712ms equivalent to a capture rate of 0.58 image/s.

Some energy consumption measures

This section presents some energy measures realized on the Due and MEGA platforms. We inserted additional power consumption by toggling a led in order to better identify on the measures the various phases of the image sensor operations. For all the energy tests, the image transmitted was encoded using a quality factor of 50 and between 45 and 49 packets were produced at the packetization stage. The objective here is not to have a complete energy map with varying quality factors and packet number, but to have an approximate idea of the energy consumption on both platforms. Figure below (left) shows an entire cycle of camera sync, camera config, data read, data encode and packetization with transmission on the Due. The right part shows the energy consumption during a periodic intrusion detection process. We forced the intrusion detection to return NO-INTRUSION in order to only read data from the camera and perform the comparison with a reference image. In both figures the x-axis is the time in second from the beginning of the energy capture process and the y-axis is the consumed energy in Joules per time interval of 2ms.


In the left figure we can compute the baseline energy consumption of the Due once the camera has turned to sleep mode (this happen after 15s of being idle. We waited long enough before starting the energy measure process). We measured this consumption at 1.39J/s. Note that we did not realize any advanced power saving mechanisms such as putting the micro-controller in deep sleep mode or lower frequency, or performing ADC reduction, nor powering off the radio module. It is expected that the baseline consumption can be further decreased with more advanced power management policy. After removing the energy consumed by the led, we found that an entire cycle for image acquisition, encoding and transmission consumes about 6J. The largest consumed energy part on the Due comes from polling the serial line to get the image data from the uCam (through the system serial buffer). The encoding process actually consumes less than half that amount of energy.

To perform the intrusion detection the Due consumes about the same amount to energy than just reading the image data. We can actually confirm that the simple-differencing mechanism introduces no additional cost. When no intrusion is detected, there is no need to encode nor transmit the image, therefore we measured the energy consumption at 3.571J for the intrusion detection task. If an intrusion is detected then we just have to add the energy consumption for the encoding and transmission phases shown in the left figure.

The energy measurements also have time information by 2ms increments. Figure below shows the detailed energy consumption along with time information for various phases of the image sensor. The last line shows the total time and the total energy consumption in Joules after removing the hard-coded delays and the additional energy consumption introduced by the led synchronization mechanism (values highlighted in yellow).

As the encoding time was found quite constant except for high values of quality factor (see column "global encode time") we can actually see that the time duration for reading data from uCam and for encoding the image data is quite consistent with the measures shown previously. For instance, if we look at column  "global encode+transmit time"and at the line corresponding to 48 packets, the "global encode+transmit time" was found to be 1.088s. In table above, if we add the encoding time (0.551s) and the transmission time (0.594s) we find 1.145s.
Figure below shows the detailed measures for the MEGA board. The baseline consumption was found at 1.25J, a bit smaller than on the Due. However, we can actually see that the MEGA board consumes much more than the Due for all operations. This is mainly due to its much slower clock frequency making all the processes to take longer time. The need of an external storage such as an SD card also contributes to higher energy consumption. This energy consumption statement is actually quite surprising for us because we thought that the Due board would consume much more energy than the MEGA. Given the price of the Due compared to the MEGA, building the image sensor with the Due seems to be the best choice both in terms of performances and energy efficiency.

Figure below summarizes and compares the Due and MEGA platforms. In the autonomy category, the uptime is computed with the baseline consumption. Once again, no power saving mechanisms have been implemented yet. #cycle represents the number of image capture, encoding and transmission that can be performed. Similarly, #intrusion represents the number of intrusion detection (but no encoding not transmission) that can be performed. These values are obtained by taking the energy amount of a 1200mAh 9V battery, i.e. 38880J.

Building a multi-camera system

From the 1-camera system it is not difficult to have a multiple camera system. Both Arduino Due and MEGA2560 have 4 UART ports. In the current configuration, UART0 is used for connection to computer and UART3 is used for the XBee 802.15.4. It is possible to connect the XBee to UART0 and not using connection to the computer (not needed in a real case scenario) to leave 3 UARTs available (from UART1 to UART3) for 3 uCamII cameras. Figure (left) below shows our Arduino Due connected to 3 uCamII cameras. The cameras are set at 120° from each other and are activated in a round robin manner. At startup, a reference image is taken for each camera. Then intrusion detection is performed on each camera in a cyclic manner. As previously indicated, the minimum time between each snapshot from the camera is about 1712ms. Therefore, the 3-camera system can activate each camera and do the intrusion detection once every 1712ms: this is the maximum performance level. Figure(right) below shows the details of the connection of the 3-camera system.


Here is a different view of the connection pins for the 3-camera system.

We also have a version with dedicated leds for the uCams (can work also with the 1-camera system where only cam index 0 is attached). Each time that a uCam is activated (either for sync or to get image data and to perform intrusion detection, the corresponding led will light on). Note that this led can be used to provide lighting in case of dark environments. For instance, the image sensor can be used for close-up surveillance process (cracks, leakages,...) and placed in dark, hard to access areas. Figure below shows the additional leds. Since we need a lot of GND pins, we use a connector to gather all the GND signal (those of the additional leds and those of the uCam).

The uCamII is shipped with a 56° lens. 76° and 116° are available. Figure below shows the differences between the various lenses: from left to right, 56°, 76° and 116°.


With 76° lenses, Figure below compares the coverage of a 80 x 1-uCamII system (top-left, 36.3%) to a 80 x 3-uCamII system (top-right, 71.5%) and to a 240 x 1-uCamII system (bot-left, 71.2%). The FoV in red is the one of camera 0, for both 1-camera and 3-camera systems. The blue is for camera 1 and the green for camera 2, in the 3-camera system. We can see that the coverage is greatly improved, at a much lower cost than having 3 times more full sensor boards (right). Using 116° lenses for the 3 cameras can provide almost disk coverage, as can be seen in the 80 x 3-uCamII system with 116° lenses which provides in this example a coverage of 91.61%.

Here is a test we did in our science department hall with the 3-camera system equiped with 116° lenses. With 1 sensor node we can monitor a large portion of the hall and practically detect moving person in the entire hall.

Here is a simple output of the applications taken from the log from the serial monitor. Text starting with # and highlighted in red are inserted comments to explain the various steps of the application. We did not include all the outputs, just the relevant parts to see the multi-camera mode. Here we use 2 cameras in order to connect the XBee on Serial3 to leave Serial (UART0) available for PC monitoring.

Init uCam test.
Init XBee 802.15.4
Set MM mode to 2
MAC mode is now: 2
-mac:0013A200408BC81B WAITING for command from 802.15.4 interface. XBee mac mode 2
Wait for command @D0013A20040762053#T60# to capture and send image with an inter-pkt time of 60ms to 0013A20040762053
Current destination: 0013A20040762191
Init UARTs for uCam board
#try to sync each camera, start with camera 0 on Serial1
--->>> Initializing cam 0

Attempt sync 0
Wait Ack
Camera has Acked...
Waiting for SYNC...
Receiving data. Testing to see if it is SYNC...
Camera has SYNCED...
Sending ACK for sync
Now we can take images!
#then try with camera 1 on Serial2
--->>> Initializing cam 1
Attempt sync 0
Wait Ack
Camera has Acked...
Waiting for SYNC...
Receiving data. Testing to see if it is SYNC...
Camera has SYNCED...
Sending ACK for sync
Now we can take images!
#get first image from camera 0 to serve as reference image for this camera
--->>> Get reference image from uCam 0

Initial is being sent
Wait Ack
INITIAL has been acked...
Snapshot is being sent
Wait Ack
SNAPSHOT has been acked...
Get picture is being sent
Wait Ack
GET PICTURE has been acked...
Get picture DATA
Size of the image = 16384
Time for get snapshop : 3
Time for get picture : 123
Waiting for image raw data

Total bytes read: 16384
Time to read data from uCAM: 1512
Sending ACK for end of data picture
Finish getting picture data
#we encode and we chose to transmit this reference image as well
Encoding picture data, Quality Factor is : 50
MSS for packetization is : 90
Q: 1QT ok
Time to encode : 558
Total encode time : 149
Total pkt time : 56
Compression rate (bpp) : 1.42
Packets : 37 25
Q : 50 32
H : 128 80
V : 128 80
Real encoded image file size : 2909
#get first image from camera 1 to serve as reference image for this camera
--->>> Get reference image from uCam 1

Initial is being sent
Wait Ack
INITIAL has been acked...
Snapshot is being sent
Wait Ack
SNAPSHOT has been acked...
Get picture is being sent
Wait Ack
GET PICTURE has been acked...
Get picture DATA
Size of the image = 16384
Time for get snapshop : 3
Time for get picture : 127
Waiting for image raw data

Total bytes read: 16384
Time to read data from uCAM: 1512
Sending ACK for end of data picture
Finish getting picture data
#we encode and transmit this reference image
Encoding picture data, Quality Factor is : 50
MSS for packetization is : 90
Q: 1QT ok
Time to encode : 476
Total encode time : 139
Total pkt time : 62
Compression rate (bpp) : 1.21
Packets : 31 1F
Q : 50 32
H : 128 80
V : 128 80
Real encoded image file size : 2468
#at this point we finished the initialization and we have a reference image in memory for each camera

#new periodic intrusion detection, once every 30s
#start with camera 0
--->>> Intrusion detection with ucam 0

Initial is being sent
Wait Ack
INITIAL has been acked...
Snapshot is being sent
Wait Ack
SNAPSHOT has been acked...
Get picture is being sent
Wait Ack
GET PICTURE has been acked...
Get picture DATA
Size of the image = 16384
Time for get snapshop : 3
Time for get picture : 145
Waiting for image raw data (compare)
#here we see that we are performing comparison with reference image of that camera
Total bytes compared: 16384
Time to read and process from uCAM: 1511
Sending ACK for end of data picture
Finish getting picture data
nb diff. pixel : 3
Maybe NO intrusion
#move to camera 1
--->>> Intrusion detection with ucam 1

Initial is being sent
Wait Ack
INITIAL has been acked...
Snapshot is being sent
Wait Ack
SNAPSHOT has been acked...
Get picture is being sent
Wait Ack
GET PICTURE has been acked...
Get picture DATA
Size of the image = 16384
Time for get snapshop : 3
Time for get picture : 100
Waiting for image raw data (compare)

Total bytes compared: 16384
Time to read and process from uCAM: 1511
Sending ACK for end of data picture
Finish getting picture data
nb diff. pixel : 1
Maybe NO intrusion

. . .

We have an enhanced version of the display_image tool (display_multi_image) that can collect images from several image sensor nodes for display, supporting also several cameras per node. To do so, the framing bytes need to be extended to store a 16-bit address for an image node. Note that this address could be derived from the 64-bit MAC address (by keeping the last 16 bits for instance) or be hard-coded when programming the image node. The frame structure is as follows for a node with hard-coded address 0x0001. The 16-bit address is inserted right after 0xFF0x50. Then, in order to support multiple cameras per node, we chose to use the flowid which is coded in the 2nd byte, i.e. 0x50. Using the flowid would allow multi-path routing as implemented by our relay nodes (see our relay node pages) according to which camera is sending. Cam id 0 would give 0x50, cam id 1 would give 0x51,... Here, node 0x0001 has only 1 camera so the cam id is 0.

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

The screenshot below shows my office with a 1-camera and a 3-camera image sensors sending to my desktop computer. The 1-camera sensor is configured with source address 0x0001 while the 3-camera system has source address 0x0002. The display tool will discover new nodes and assign for each node a column index in increasing order. Here column index 0 (left-most) is for node 0x0001. Node 0x0002 has column index 1. As node 0x0002 has 3 cameras, the image taken by each camera appears on a different line. The top line is for camera 0. The received image packets are stored in a file, then decoded in BMP format and displayed by the display tool. In our example, the BMP filename for the last received image from node 0x0002 is tmp_22-node#0002-cam#2-128x128-test.bmp-Q50-P26-S2110.bmp. It means that it is the 22nd image sent by node 0x0002 where 26 packets have been received for a total encoded size of 2210 bytes (the encoded version, not the decoded BMP version). 

In the following screenshot, we can also see how display_multi_image indicates which image is the last one, and which image for a given image node is the last received one. Here, we received images from 5 image sensor nodes (5 columns, index from 0 to 4, left to right). The blue frame indicates for a given image node which image is the last received. The red frame (only one red frame at any time) is the last received image.

Actually, the process of displaying the images can be made independant. A regular file brower is capable to showing small icon of all BMP files in a given folder.

Get the image on your smartphone

You can actually get the image on your smart phone when an intrusion is detected using a cloud application such as Dropbox on the sink computer. Just save the received image in a folder that will be automatically synced will your Dropbox space.  Then, from a smart phone Dropbox app you see the images from your image sensor.

Using long-range radios such as Semtech SX1272 LoRaTM

Recent developments in spread spectrum modulation technique allows for much longer range 1-hop transmission, thus facilitating deployment of monitoring, telemetry systems. Semtech has proposed long range (LoRaTM) radio products that have been integrated in a number of radio modules available for micro-controller boards such as Arduino. For instance Libelium has released a SX1272 LoRa module for Arduino which has been tested to provide more than 22kms in LOS and more than 2km in NLOS urban areas. Libelium also provides the SX1272 library for Arduino. We provide an enhanced version in our LoRa-related development web page.

 You can use the Libelium SX1272 LoRaTM module with the Multiprotocol Radio Shield (also developed by Libelium) to provide long-range image transmission to the image sensor. If you use an Arduino Due platform it should work out-of-the-box. You can use other LoRa module such as HopeRF RFM92W/95W or Modtronix inAir9/9B. All of them work with our enhanced SX1272 library. You can consult our LoRa end-device web page. When using LoRaTM transmission, the default quality factor is decreased from 50 to 20 in order to reduce further the number of generated packets. However, you can change this setting if desired.

By default, so-called LoRaTM mode 4 by Libelium is used which use a bandwidth of 500kHz, coding rate of 4/5 and spreading factor of 12. This mode priviledges is a good tradeoff between range and speed. The overall time to send a 100-byte image packet is about 1.2s. Expect about 25s to receive an image when the encoding process is executed with the maximum image payload size set to 90 bytes (previously a limitation due to usage of 802.15.4 XBee module). With Semtech LoRaTM module, the maximum radio payload is 255 in variable length mode. Therefore, after removing some header overheads, the maximum image payload size can be safely increased to 240 instead of 90. The resulting radio packet size would be close to 250 bytes. In this case, the overall sending time of a packet is about 2.5s for 250 bytes (still for so-called mode 4 defined by Libelium). We can see that it is quite advantageous to use larger packer size: a typical image could be transmitted in about 12s to 16s.

Electromagnetic transmissions in the sub-GHz band of Semtech's LoRaTM technology falls into the Short Range Devices (SRD) category. In Europe, the ETSI EN300-220-1 document specifies various requirements for SRD devices, especially those on radio activity. Basically,  transmitters are constrained to 1% duty-cycle (i.e. 36s/hour) in the general case. This duty cycle limit applies to the total transmission time, even if the transmitter can change to another channel. Actually, the relevant measure is the time-on-air (ToA) which depends on the 3 main LoRa parameters: BW, CR and SF. We use the formula given by Semtech to compute the ToA for all LoRaTM mode defined by Libelium. This is illustrated in table below. As the Libelium library adds 5B to the user payload the ToA shown includes the Libelium header and the image packet header, e.g. 250B user payload (IMSS of 240B) gives a total payload of 255B on which the ToA is computed.

If the image sensor wants to comply to the 36s/hour of radio activity, then before sending the image the ToA for all the produced packets should be computed (using the current LoRaTM mode settings) and compared to the remaining activity time in this period. If the computed ToA is greater than the remaining activity time, then the image sensor can use a lower quality factor to reduce the encoded image size, thus reducing the number of packets. Note that even if the increase of ToA is almost linear with respect to the real payload, for a small IMSS there will be more packets generated then more bytes used by various protocol headers. Therefore, increasing the IMSS is also a way to reduce the total ToA.

The regulation for SRD also specifies that a device using Listen Before Talk (LBT) along with Adaptive Frequency Agility (AFA) is not restricted to the 1% duty-cycle. LBT is similar to Carrier Sense and there is a minimum LBT time to respect. LBT is required prior to any transmission attempt, on the same channel or on another channel. AFA can be implemented in a very simple way by changing channel incrementally. Pseudo-random channel changes are preferred such as in FHSS system, but it is not mandatory. In case of LBT+AFA, it is however required that the Tx on-time for a single transmission cannot exceed 1s. If this 1s limit is respected, then the transmitter is allowed to use a given channel for a maximum Tx on-time of 100s over a period of 1 hour for any 200kHz bandwidth. The advantage is that using AFA to change from one channel to another, longer accumulated transmission time is possible. One drawback is that if the image sensor works following the LBT+AFA scheme, then all ToA greater than 1s in the table above cannot be used. If we stay with mode 4, then the maximum user payload that can be used is about 111B therefore the IMSS can be set to 102B and 100 packets can be sent before changing channel will be required. However, if we want maximum range by using mode 1 for instance, we can see that most payload sizes have ToA greater than 1s. In this case, it is preferable to switch back to using 1% duty-cycle and chose a low quality factor to keep activity time below 36s. For the moment, the developed long-range image sensor has no LBT+AFA mechanism implemented. Only the duty-cycle behavior can be used to deploy fully autonomous visual surveillance.

At the sink, another Arduino board (we use an Arduino MEGA) is programmed as a simple gateway to write (Serial.print) received data to the serial port. We use 38400 as the serial speed. With Linux, we use the same command to get image packets and display images:

    > python SerialToStdout.py /dev/ttyACM0 | ./display_image -vflip -timer 30 -framing 128x128-test.bmp

However, note (i) the name of the USB device with is usually /dev/ttyACM0 instead of /dev/ttyUSB0 and (ii) the longer display timer (30s) in order to get all packets of an image.

We have a more elaborated low-cost LoRa gateway based on a Raspberry with advanced post-processing features that are fully customizable by the end-user. Reception code of image packets from the camera is provided. This solution is the most preferable. Check our low-cost LoRa gateway web page. The gateway has an embedded web server that can display the various images received from the image sensors.


There is also the possibility to use a simple Arduino board to act as gateway but the features are then limited. Figure below show the receiver gateway on the left and the image sensor with the Multiprotocol Radio Shield and the SX1272 LoRaTM module.

Many LoRaTM long-range tests have been performed by both Libelium and Semtech and more than 20kms could be achieved in LOS conditions. More distance can be covered with higher elevation. Semtech's tests also included transmission from pits. We show below some image transmission tests we did in our university area, close to city downtown in a dense urban area with many buildings (NLOS) between the image source and the receiver located in front of the science faculty building. Both receiver and transmitter are at 1.5m height. Libelium LoRaTM mode 4 is used. We set the IMSS to 240 bytes and the quality factor to 20. Between 8 and 12 packets per image were generated. With mode 4, we could not received at 1010m as indicated in figure below. 1 packet was lost in image 5. By using mode 1 which provides the longest range, we could increase the distance to 1.8km in a dense urban area.

Adding a criticality-based image sensor scheduling

Many of our contributions are based on a criticality-based scheduling of image sensors. See our paper : C. Pham, A. Makhoul, R. Saadi, "Risk-based Adaptive Scheduling in Randomly Deployed Video Sensor Networks for Critical Surveillance Applications", Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), Elsevier, 34(2), 2011, pp. 783-795

This mechanism has been integrated into the image sensor node and can be activated by compiling with the following #define statement:


Our image sensor prototype can be configured dynamically at runtime by setting (i) its number of cover-sets, (ii) the maximum number of cover-sets and (iii) the criticality level. 5 additional commands are then introduced to configure the image sensor with advanced activity scheduling. Value in bracket are default value.
  1. "CO3#" sets the number of cover-sets to 3 (1)
  2. "CL8#" sets the criticality level to 0.8 (0.2)
  3. "CM6#" sets the maximum number of cover-sets to 6 (8)
  4. "CT10#" sets the duration of high criticality period to 10s when image change is detected (30s)
  5. "CS#" starts the criticality-based scheduling
By default, the number of cover-sets of the image sensor is set to 1 (meaning that the image sensor itself is the only one to cover its area) and the criticality level is set to 0.2 (quite low mission-critical application since the maximum criticality level can be 1.0). The maximum number of cover-sets is set to 8. With the hardware/software constraints, the maximum capture rate is set to 0.58fps or 1 snapshot every 1.71s. With a criticality level of 0.8, the frame capture rate using the criticality-based scheduling is defined as illustrated by the figure below, as the number of cover-sets is varied:

The maximum number of cover-sets taken for the criticality curve can be configured between 6 and 12. We set the number of maximum cover-sets to 8 by default. A higher value (such as 12) provides much larger inter-snapshot time when the number of cover-sets is small. Using a smaller value (such as 8 or 6) has the advantage to give more significant difference in inter- snapshot time when the number of cover-sets is varied. According to the surveillance application profile, the maximum number of cover-sets can be defined prior to deployment, or can even be set dynamically during the image sensor operation. Figure below shows the case where this maximum number of cover-sets is set to 12. You can get an Excel file that automatically plots the capture rate curve according to a criticality level, maximum number of cover-sets and maximum frame capture rate (.xls).

Even if compiled with CRITICALITY_SCHEDULING the default behavior is to NOT using the criticality-based scheduling. If you issue the following command "/@CO3#CL8#", then the capture rate will be computed, the inter-snapshop time derived from the capture rate but the criticality-based scheduling will not start until "CS#" command is issued. To cancel it, simply issue command "/@F30000#" to set the inter-snapshot time back to 30s.

Additional informations (articles & posters):

All the information on this page are explained in more detailed in:


  1. C. Pham, "Low-cost, Low-Power and Long-range Image Sensor for Visual Surveillance". Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Experiences with Design and Implementation of Smart Objects (SMARTOBJECTS'16). Co-located with ACM MobiCom'2016, New-York, USA, October 3-7, 2016. Slides .pdf
  2. C. Pham, "Low-cost wireless image sensor networks for visual surveillance and intrusion detection applications". Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC'2015), April 9-11, 2015, Taipei, Taiwan. Slides .pdf
  3. C. Pham and V. Lecuire, "Building low-cost wireless image sensor networks: from single camera to multi-camera system". Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras International (ICDSC'2015), September 8-11, 2015, Sevilla, Spain.
  4. C. Pham, "Large-scale Intrusion Detection with Low-cost Multi-camera wireless image sensors". Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob'2015), October 19-21, 2015, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
  5. C. Pham, "Deploying a Pool of Long-Range Wireless Image Sensor with Shared Activity Time". Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob'2015), October 19-21, 2015, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
  1. Low-cost wireless image sensors for surveillance applications
  2. Criticality-based scheduling of wireless image sensors
  3. Building multi-camera system for visual surveillance applications
  4. ICDSC'2015 poster

Enjoy !

C. Pham


Our work on image sensors is realized in collaboration with Vincent LECUIRE (CRAN UMR 7039, Nancy-Université, France) for the image encoding and compression algorithms.